In order to put a file on an FTP server you must have "write" permission (i.e. the permission to create, rename, and delete files). Most anonymous FTP sites do not give guests write permission, so you will probably want to use a personal account for this part of the tutorial. [Of course, if you do not have any place to put files you do not really need this part of the tutorial!]
To put a file into your account first connect to your machine (entering the hostname, your account name and password in the New Connection dialog). Then click on the Put File... button. You will be prompted to select the file you wish to send; since this is just a tutorial you can pick any file you wish, though you probably want to avoid very large files. You will then be asked to provide a name to give the file on the server. This dialog box also gives you a chance to pick a file format from a pop-up menu. Fetch will usually pick an appropriate name and format so you can simply press the OK button.
Alternatively, if you are running System 7.5 or later and you can see the Finder icon for the file you wish to upload, you can simply click the icon and drag it to the Fetch transfer window. In that case Fetch will use the default upload file format for that type of file, as specified in Preferences.
The file will be transferred to the server and you will be able to watch its progress in the status panel on the right side of the Fetch window. When the transfer is complete the name of the file you put will appear in the file name list. If you do not want to leave the file there you should select that name and choose Delete directory or file... from the Remote menu.
Congratulations -- you have just transferred files to and from your Macintosh! You can learn more about Fetch by consulting the help topics under “Reference,” or by choosing Show Balloons from the help menu and pointing. Please send mail to if you have any comments, questions, or criticisms.